謝 橋/Hsieh, Chiao/シェ チャオ
I am a program-specific assistant professor at Graduate School of Informatics in Kyoto University.
My main research area is within
Programming Languages, Formal Methods, and Software Engineering ([PL/FM/SE]).
Currently, I am doing research in Computer Software Group
and specifically working with Prof. Suenaga and Prof. Waga under the CyPhAI project.
My broad research direction is to obtain the provable safety assurance on cyber-physical systems (CPS) in addition to field-testing and software simulation. Especially, my focus is on applying formal methods to verify CPS containing complex or underspecified components including distributed communication, incomplete vehicle dynamic model, vision based perception, and learning enabled controllers.
Ongoing Projects
- Formal Analysis and Design of AI-intensive Cyber-Physical Systems
Hired as a program-specific researcher (postdoc → assistant professor) under JST CREST - Safety Verification of Black Box Cyber-Physical Systems via Lyapunov Stability Certificates
Funded by JSPS Research Activity Start-Up
Research Projects discusses our research projects with related publications.
Curriculum Vitae provides my CV.
About 橋 contains informal descriptions of myself.
GitHub: https://github.com/hc825b
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8339-9915
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hc825b
Past Projects
During PhD Study
- Perception Contracts for CPS with Vision-Based Perception
- National Robotics Initiative 2.0 (USDA/NIFA #2021-67021-33449)
- Programming Language and Analysis for Distributed Robotic Applications
- CyPhyHouse Project Website NSF #1629949
- Software Defined Control for Smart Manufacturing Systems NSF #1544901